Providing effective on-site tobacco, alcohol, problem gambling, violence and drug prevention education, information and coordination services for pre-school through senior years. Individual and group tobacco cessation (quit) support available by appointment. Topic based prevention training available for community members.
1495 West Longview Avenue, Mansfield, Ohio 44906
Phone: 419-774-5683 | Fax: 419-774-6364

The opioid epidemic has affected nearly all aspects of life for individuals, families, and our community. New Beginnings Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services, a Catalyst Company, provides a full continuum of supportive options for men and women to address substance use concerns.
We recognize that each person comes to us with their own set of circumstances. Our multidisciplinary team provides individuals and families a personalized service approach.
Catalyst embodies the concept that “every door is the right door” for entry into treatment. We engage with individuals involved with the courts and jail, as well as through outreach with the Opiate Response Team. We provide Open Access Monday through Thursday for individuals seeking services; call Helpline at 419-522-HELP (4357) for more information.
We offer trauma focused outpatient and residential treatment options including:
Substance Use Disorder services:
- Personalized diagnostic assessment
- Medication assisted treatment
- Withdrawal management services
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy (education, opportunity, stabilization and engagement, recovery management)
- Intensive outpatient programming
- Family groups and family therapy
- Residential treatment
- Peer Recovery Support services
- Case management services
- Co-occurring disorder services
Mental health services:
- Personalized diagnostic assessment
- Psychiatric services
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- Family therapy
- Case management
- Crisis services including the crisis stabilization unit
- Child and adolescent therapy and psychiatric services
- Co-occurring disorder services
741 Scholl Road, Mansfield, OH 44907
419-522-HELP (4357)

Providing sliding scale Medical, Dental, AOD, MAT and Behavioral Health care.
200 Park Ave West, Mansfield, OH 44902
Phone: 419-522-2239
The Mansfield City Law Director prosecutes criminal misdemeanors. While the illegal possession of opiates is a felony, there can occasionally be misdemeanor offenses that arise out of felony opiate cases, including, but not limited to: possession of drug abuse instruments, operating a motor vehicle while impaired, and theft offense. In these cases, whenever possible, we attempt to take advantage of those services that our court has made available, like intensive treatment drug court probation, to ensure that the defendant has every option to address the root cause of their criminal behavior and not recidivate.
30 North Diamond St., Mansfield, OH 44902
Phone: 419-755-9651

Mansfield Municipal Court’s primary mission is to preserve community safety, lower recidivism and offer cost-effective alternatives to incarceration for offenders with addiction issues. We strive to effectively incorporate the continuity of care available in our community into judicial decisions.
Mansfield Municipal Court has a specialized docket designed to provide offenders with substance abuse issues a chance to address these issues and gain sobriety. The Court provides structure for offenders through intense supervision and increased communication with treatment providers.
We provide intense supervision through home, curfew and bar checks as well as frequent drug and alcohol testing. The intensive supervision rules provide both structure and the expectation that the offender will be accountable for themselves and responsible to their family.
Partnerships between local law enforcement and probation departments help to ensure the compliance of court orders by offenders participating in Treatment Court.
30 North Diamond Street, Mansfield, Ohio 44902
Office: 419-755-9496 | Fax: 419-755-9650

The METRICH Enforcement Unit is a Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force responsible for investigating all aspects of drug trafficking and the crimes associated with importing drugs into Richland County, Ohio. The METRICH Enforcement Unit uses a three pronged strategy to assist in solving the opiate epidemic which is enforcement, education and in part treatment, assisting those addicts who want help getting connected to resources for treatment.
Crime Line: 419-52-CRIME (419-522-2763)
Task Force Line: 419-755-9728

The Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board would like to announce a ground-breaking ceremony for a new 16-bed Withdrawal Management and a 16-bed Residential Treatment Facility on August 27, 2018 at 11:00am at 711 Scholl Road, Mansfield, Ohio 44907. This project is being collaboratively funded by a State of Ohio Capital matching grant through the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. The local match is being collaboratively funded by the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board, Richland Foundation, S.N. and Ada Ford Foundation and Ohio Health. The treatment programming will be provided by Catalyst Life Services with medical services provided under subcontract with Third Street Family Health Services. This is truly a community wide effort to help address substance use disorders in Richland and surrounding counties. For more information, contact The Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board at 419-774-5811 or

Our mission is to improve the health of those we serve. We honor the dignity and worth of each person. We interact with patients and their families daily that not only need healthcare but also support and guidance to additional services beyond the hospital doors. Our doctors, nurses and hospital support staff are dedicated to being community partners in response to our current opiate epidemic. If you have found yourself in the emergency room due to your addiction we know you need a lifeline. Our goal is to help connect you to the people, places and tools you need to find recovery.
Emergency Care locations:
OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital
335 Glessner Ave., Mansfield, OH 44903
Phone: 419-526-8000
Anyone experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency should call 911 for immediate assistance.
OhioHealth Shelby Hospital
199 West Main Street, Shelby, Ohio 44875
Phone: 419-342-5015
Anyone experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency should call 911 for immediate assistance.
335 Glessner Ave., Mansfield, OH 44903
Phone: 419-526-8000
Anyone experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency should call 911 for immediate assistance.

The Ontario Division of Police works with members of the community, community groups, and other Richland County, State of Ohio and Federal departments to proactively address crime, quality of life issues, and to enhance a feeling of safety for our residents, business owners, and those who visit this great City.
555 Stumbo Road, Ontario, Ohio 44906
Phone: 419-529-2115

Richland County Adult Court Services/Probation will provide a variety of specialized supervision and treatment services to all offenders before the Richland County Common Pleas Court that focus on offender behavioral change.
Our mission to the Court is to enforce their orders and compliance of conditions through effective supervision.
Our mission to the Community is to promote public safety and protect victims by reducing future crime and offender recidivism.
Our mission to the Offender is to provide them the tools and opportunities while holding them accountable to make a positive change.
Richland County Court Services
50 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, Ohio 44902
Phone: 419-774-5564
The Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board has partner agencies that offer services to those suffering from mental illness and substance dependence. The Mission of the Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board is to secure sufficient funds to plan, establish and maintain unified services primarily for the mentally ill, drug or alcohol dependent individuals, their families and the general population. Toward these ends, the Board shall: encourage the development of high quality, cost-effective, and comprehensive services; adapt to the changing needs, especially for severely mentally disabled children, adolescents and adults; fulfill the mandates of the Ohio Revised Code; and promote the integrity and individuality of consumers of mental health and drug and alcohol services.
87 East First Street, Suite L, Mansfield, Ohio 44902
Phone: 419 774 5811 | Fax: 419 774 5816

The Richland County Prosecuting Attorney is responsible for the prosecution of all felony-level crimes committed in Richland County. The Prosecutor’s Office works closely with all local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to enforce compliance with the criminal laws that apply to all citizens.
38 South Park Street, Second Floor, Mansfield, Ohio 44902
Phone: 419-774-5676

The Richland County Sheriff’s Office provides treatment literature to those at the time of an overdose. We also provide a form under House Bill 110 that requires the addict to seek counseling within 30 days to avoid being charged criminally. The Sheriff’s Office is also part of the Opiate Response Team who contacts those, within days of an overdose, in an attempt to encourage them to get drug treatment.
597 Park Ave E, Mansfield, OH 44905
Phone: 419-524-2412

The Richland County Substance Abuse Treatment Court (SATC) is a partnership between the courts, prosecutor’s office, defense bar, city and county law enforcement, county and state corrections departments, and local treatment providers. The overall goal of SATC is to utilize court services to identify non-violent male and female felony offenders with substance abuse problems and offer immediate and individualized treatment services to rehabilitate these individuals, ultimately decreasing criminal activity within the community and the need for imprisonment.
50 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, Ohio 44902
Phone: 419-774-4767 | Fax: 419-774-4770
Originally known as Third Street Community Clinic, Third Street Family Health Services was founded in 1994. We are a private, non-profit Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). We receive federal grants from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) through Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act.
We currently provide Medical, Dental, OB/GYN, Pediatric and Behavioral Health Services across our eight locations. The Board of Trustees is the governing body and is composed of residents from Richland County who have a diverse background and a shared interest in assisting people in need of affordable health care. A majority of the Board is made up of Health Center ”users”, and serves as volunteers.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) implements policies formulated and approved by the Board and is responsible to the Board. The CEO is responsible for overall supervision of staff and program development as well as service coordination. Directors/supervisors are responsible to the Chief Executive Officer for operation of their respective areas. Each staff member is responsible to his/her direct supervisor.
600 West 3rd Street, Mansfield, OH 44906
Phone: 419-522-6191

Mansfield UMADAOP (Urban Minority Alcohol & Drug Addiction Outreach Program) Offers outpatient services specializing in Medication Assisted Treatment, Mental Health services specializing in Adolescent Care and Alcohol or Drug (AOD)/Mental Health Dual Diagnoses, AOD Prevention Services, Circle for Recovery of Ohio – Ex-offender Program, Help Me Grow for new mothers. UMADAOP accepts all payer sources including some private insurance. Clients can self admit, be court ordered or referred by other agencies. UMADAOP has a Recovery Housing program for men and is planning to open additional Recovery Housing sites. For more details please visit or call 419-525-3525.

Affiliate Agencies
Abraxas is an accredited Behavioral Healthcare Organization that provides mental health, substance use, and Juvenile Sex Offender treatment to adolescent boys. The outpatient office provides substance use, mental health and in-home services for adolescents, adults and families. ABRAXAS is accredited by The Joint Commission. Medicaid, personal insurance and community or self referrals are accepted.
For more details please visit or call 419-747-3322.
Foundations for Living is a secure residential treatment facility for males and females ages 11 to 18. We offer treatment for mental health, addiction, survivors of human trafficking, pregnant teens, and self-injurious behavior. Foundations accepts all insurances, as well as, agency and parental referrals.
For more details please visit or call 419-589-5511.

Healing Hearts Counseling Center provides mental health and addiction counseling coordinating with community services. They offer medication assisted treatment, intensive outpatient treatment (IOP), and counseling for trauma, sexual compulsivity/addiction, sexual abuse, depression and anxiety. Healing Hearts uses evidence based materials and 12 step curriculum. They have testing for mental health, alcohol and drugs, and specific testing for trauma. Weekend and evening options for IOP are available. They accept Medicaid and most insurances.
For more details please visit or call 419-528-5993.

Providers for Healthy Living provides psychiatric medication management, therapy/counseling (individual, couples/marriage, family, group), EMDR, DBT, art therapy, biofeedback, hypnotherapy, and psychological testing services to patients from 3 to 55. We also provide continuing education opportunities to mental health providers in and around central Ohio. We are approved to issue CEU credits for social workers, counselors, and psychologists.
For more details please visit or call 419-605-9817.

Reformers Unanimous offers a biblically based Christ-centered recovery program, designed to rescue, recover, and restore those in addictive behaviors with the power of the hidden life found only in Jesus Christ. RU is an addiction recovery class that started in Rockford, Illinois and offers residential help for addicted men and women that has now expanded into churches, prisons, and online resources across USA communities and around the world.
For more details please visit or call 419-566-8667.

Richland County Community Alternative Center is an OhioMHAS certified drug and alcohol program designed for 30 to 120 day periods of group and individual treatment for adult mean and women. The majority of clients are court referred/ordered. Private pay individuals are accepted.The Center accepts Medicaid and self pay. No insurances are accepted.
For more details please call 419-774-3576.

Starfish Project of Richland County provides guidance on treatment options for those struggling with addictions and life-controlling problems. We change our community by supporting individuals and their families for a healthy life of recovery. Scholarships for faith-based programs are available.
For more details please visit our Facebook page or call 419-512-6877 and 419-512-6878.

Third Street Family Health Services offers behavioral health assessments, counseling and medication assisted treatments. They accept Medicaid, Medicare, insurance and self pay.
For more details please visit or call 419-525-6720.

Youth & Family Council provides leadership to assure an effective system of collaborative, coordinated and efficient community services which assist each family and child to meet their individual needs and responsibilities.
For more details please visit or call 419-522-8213.